Thursday, April 17, 2008

Focus on 199 - Calistoga to Santa Cruz

Activity (04/09-04/17)
Stairstepper - 58 min
Elliptical- 130 min

Running (treadmill, street, trail)
Respectively 10.5; 10.5; 23.5 miles
Total: 44.5 mi.

Wow: Another week has gone by. Things are muy busy at work (we lost a team member), but I’ve been able to increase my workouts a bit (see last week’s post!) Next week’s stats will be skewed low, however, as I will take off one or 2 days from running after The Relay.

Our relay team (The NADS) will take approximately 28 hours to complete the course, which will not be one of our faster times. I’m currently the oldest and slowest member of the team (but one of only 3 returning charter members). I may be slow, but I’m dependable. As of now, Thursday afternoon, I’m not so excited about this outing. I have 3 longish segments to complete (totaling over 20 miles). However, once my number comes up Saturday afternoon, the adrenaline will kick in, as it always has done. (Note: It doesn’t actually work for the whole 28 hours, but ya take what ya can get! For the rest there are Triscuits and trail mix – highly recommended at 2 AM after your 2nd leg).

Also on the agenda for next week—ordering the “anti”oxygen machine. MUST get going on this altitude training!
No more time. Gotta Run!

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