Done with That!
First, the Weekly Stats (4/18 – 4/25) (includes one rest day after the relay):
Stairstepper: 30 min
Elliptical: 100 min; 12.7 miles
Running: Total 27.9 miles (20.1 on the relay; 4.2 on the treadmill; 3.6 on trails)
So, the first feared running event of the season, The Relay, is now history. (http://www.therelay.com/)
4/19 – 4/20/2008
Overall winner: Google 1 (NYC): 20 hrs, 22 min
My team, the Nads: 27 hrs, 35 min. (38/202 finishers)
“My” relay: Leg 7:
1st segment: 6.9 mi. (“moderate”) (4:30 pm)
2nd segment: 7.0 mi. (“hard”) (2:30 am)
3rd segment: 6.2 mi. (“moderate”) (noon)
Total: 20.1 miles
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
“Be careful what you wish for.”
Our team start time was 1:30 pm, to the dismay of all. We prevailed on the race director to change it to 12:30 (every little bit helps). Saturday dawned, as promised by the weatherman, bright but cool and breezy. Good—no precip in the forecast. Van 1 left Aptos at 8 am to get to Calistoga. Van 2 (my van) left Aptos at noon to head up to the 1st van exchange (in downtown Napa).
Soon as we hit Napa, we did our usual grocery store stop for van provisions (ice, snacks, etc, plus sandwiches for our dinner.) We got back on the road to head up to the exchange, which was about 4 miles further on, when we got informed that we had a flat tire. Sure enough, the right rear tire was completely flat! We still have no clue as to what happened. We couldn’t seem to change it ourselves. I was the only person who had their AAA card with them, so help was summoned. The REAL problem was that I needed to be at the van exchange, because I was the lead-off runner and John, #6 in Van 1 was starting his run so time was running out. We called Van 1 and they had to drive down to get me. Tom (#8) went along too, just in case. I was deposited at the exchange in plenty of time, so it all worked out—thankfully!
When the relay was held in the fall, we almost always complained about the heat up in Napa. When I ran leg 1, and we started at noon, it was upwards of 80 degrees. That kind of weather is not optimum for my running. Anyway, this weekend was frigid. I don’t know what the actual temperature was, but due to the wind, you just got numb standing out there! The wind was "gustier " than any I have had to run in out here in CA. On my first leg, it gusted so hard a couple of times that it literally stopped me in my tracks! I almost thought I was back in Texas. However, I managed to run the entire way, including the uphill sections, and finished only 1.5 min slower than projected. Under the circumstances, I was very happy with that.
Rest time between segments 1 and 2 was spent at the Presidio (in SF). It was really cold in the van and while I did I doze some, I mostly worried about how I was going to do 7 miles at 2 am and hit my mark. After a couple sips of coffee, a package of GU and a change of clothes I was as ready as I could get. Another very cold and windy run. I wore a long sleeve top and did not get overheated. Once again I was happy because I was able to run the entire leg without having to stop to walk the uphill parts. I did have to stop to wrestle my reflective vest into submission—the wind kept catching it and undoing part of the Velcro fastening. If not for that, I would have made my time instead of coming in 4 seconds over!
Rest time between segments 2 and 3 was, as usual, spent at Kristen’s house in Los Altos Hills. Blessed hot water for showers, soft pads for our sleeping bags and fresh coffees were (as always) very, very appreciated. Got about an hour and a half nap, and woke feeling groggy but happy….only one more leg! No matter how bad it gets…only 6.2 to go! And the whole 6.2 was all downhill—a few flats, but no more hills to climb. Most people set a PR on it.
The sun shone brightly, but the wind was still making things a tiny bit too cool to just stand around—however, there were no gusts like the night before, just a fairly steady breeze. So, I had on shorts and a very thin, very short sleeved coolmax top. Again fueled with a bit of coffee, a banana and more GU I took off down the hill. Then, I was looking down and saw one of the mile markers that Anne and I painted on the road a couple years ago: The Relay “3”—AARGH—still 3.2 to go!! No way! I kept putting one foot in front of the other and . . . I actually passed a couple of people. Then, around the bend was—the exchange point. DONE!!!! In fact, I beat my projection by about 3 minutes, so overall I finished “ahead”.
My fastest 10K time ever. I know it was all down hill, but that factor is partly offset by the fact that I had already run 13.9 miles (at (my) race pace) in the preceding 20 hours.
Overall I felt better about my performance than I had for the past couple of years. And it makes me think I can actually do the TransRockies in August (hahahahahaha).
Also, I discovered a new wonder drug: Aleve. The commercials are right: It works. I took some before legs 2 and 3 respectively and my legs felt ok until the very end. Really beats Ibuprofen in my book. I’m now a believer!
(The photo, above, is me finishing my first segment of 6.9 miles)
Am re-grouping a bit and taking a new look at the upcoming training regime--for the period between now and the Reno-Tahoe relay June 5.
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