Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Update: starting to THINK about this!!!

April 8, 2008

Can’t believe it’s been so long since I posted! Time is flying – waaay too fast. The &%$#@! Relay is in a mere 10 days and it has just dawned on me that I’M NOWHERE NEAR READY!! My leg total (for the 3 segments) is upwards of 20 miles. I’m really not in shape to run 20 miles in “one” day -- even if it is chopped up into 3 segments (worse really, as you have time to stiffen up in between).

Notwithstanding that, trying to settle on what will be the standard routine for the next couple of weeks (till we start on the “official” TR training regime, which is immediately after recovery from The Relay). Here are the recent stats for 3/31 – 04/08: Elliptical trainer: 85 min; Stairmaster: 98 min; pavement/treadmill: 9 mi; trails/hills: 17.3 mi. Plus some abs work and arm weights.

Could be worse, but there’s definitely room for improvement.

I have just bought some new “street” running shoes, and will go back in a week or 2 for some trail shoes. Giving preliminary thought to “gear”—what type of layers will be needed for TR? The video shows snow and a thunderstorm. Food for thought!

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