Monday, August 18, 2008

Final Pre-Run Post!

Final stats:
(08/03 -- 08/09): Run: 66.4(street 40, trail 26.4); elliptical 30, tmill 35, stepr 60; stairm 16. [This is the most mileage I’ve ever done in one week!!]
(08/10 – 08/16): Run 53.5(trail 32, street 21.5); elliptical 30, tmill 15; stepr 30, stairm 15.
(08/17 – 08/18): Run 13.1 trail; elliptical 30, stepr 15. And, will stay on the Higher Peak thru Thursday night.

Well, this is pretty much it. I will run 5 on Tuesday, and 4 on Thursday per the schedule. Flying to Colorado on Friday. The schedule calls for a 3 miler (easy) on Saturday and Sunday before the BIG DAY. Not sure if doing that will make me feel better or worse, as we’ll be in Buena Vista – not a sea level any more! Will have to see what we feel like—I don’t think resting would be contraindicated either.

Still getting the final gear together. Have no idea how it will all fit into our allotted duffels. I’m sure it will be a challenge once they hand us the bags! I don’t know how good I am at stuffing! Have to delivery the cats to the kitty hostel on Thursday which will be hard on us all – they’ve never been away from home before. With all the chores, it will be Friday morning before I know it. Hopefully between final prep and work I will be too busy to think about the actual race.

Looking forward to meeting all the people, especially Sat and Jo. Am not so much looking forward to Monday morning at the start line! It is so hard to believe I ever thought this would be other than exceedingly challenging. Finishing this race will truly be an accomplishment – a PR for sure. I doubt I’ll ever attempt anything quite this difficult again, but, you never know!!!

If I make it back alive, will post -- w/ photos.
Again, Good Luck to all the teams!


Steve Harvey (The Old Goat) said...

Walt Stack would be pround of you. I can now relate to a famous Walt quote. "I'm so old every bone in my body is stiff except one!"

Sorry, but when you mentioned Stack in my blog, it took me back to the 80's when Walt was the official starter for the San Francisco Marathon. He fired the gun and then joined the throng.

Sat Sandhu said...

LOL - that's a great quote Steve.

Judy - looking forward to meeting you...but what do you mean you probably wont do anything this difficult again??

We're expecting everyone to commit to the next big insane challenge before the TRR is over ;)

Well done - we're all winners for getting through so much training....the TRR itself is just the reward ;)

see ya

Steve Harvey (The Old Goat) said...

Judy - this ain't difficult - it's just tall - thats all. Put this race down at sea level and it would be a piece of cake. Want to try something difficult? How about a 4,000 climb that begins at mile 28, crests at mile 35, and it's another 15 miles to the finish line? Now That's difficult!