06/06 – 06/07/2008
It was a relay, like any other relay—except with altitude.
The run was Friday - Saturday, so naturally I heard nothing much until Tuesday – typical hasher way of operating :-) I wasn’t too worried, given that I know how to “relay”, but I did want to know where and when to show up. However, the most important behind the scenes work had been done (van rentals, hotel rooms reserved, shirts printed).
I was in Van 2, running leg 11. Most of the van 1 folks went up to Reno on Thursday, so as to be ready for the 0930 start. Van 2 met up at Rebecca’s in Sunnyvale (no, not at Sunnybrook Farm!). We departed at about 10:30 and arrived at the exchange point outside Truckee in plenty of time.
The main difference for me was that the territory was completely unfamiliar. I’ve run pretty much all over the greater bay area in nor cal, but not so much in the Tahoe – Reno area.
The results are not out yet, which is okay – I don’t really need to see my official times.
My first leg was 5.3 miles (“moderate”) at about 7 pm on a paved bike path paralleling both the highway and the Truckee River. It was actually quite a nice run, and the elevation was just under 6500 feet. I didn’t notice the effects of the altitude as much as I expected to, but I did adopt a relatively sedate pace. I felt pretty good at the end, and was pretty satisfied.
As soon as Leah, leg 12, finished we determined we had only about 3.5 hours till it was time for Van 2 to take over again (Van 1 had shorter legs and also some faster runners). We went out to dinner where I had pasta but avoided the wine and beer the others indulged in. This was mostly b/c I had agreed to switch legs on the next segment w/ Joanne. As she was the lead off runner in our van, I knew I would be running again in only a couple of hours, so I had best watch what I had to digest! We headed over to the motel, which was close by. This really turned out to be a waste of time (and money) since we were only there for about 2 hours. Next time we’ll probably just go on to the van exchange and nap in the van—which is what we usually do in The Relay. Anyway, all too soon we were back on the road.
Jo had not had much chance to train, as she’s a consultant and has been spending several weeks commuting from San Jose to Pittsburg, PA. Her legs all were short, but they all involved significant hills and altitude. So we agreed I’d do her leg 19: 4.2 miles (“most difficult”)—climbing out of the Tahoe basin starting at ~6250 feet and ended just shy of 7500. It was pitch black (after I ran by the casinos) and pretty cold—but actually not as cold as my 2nd leg on The Relay. My main complaint was that the cool breeze, altitude and lack of humidity parched my mouth and throat. I had to stop and walk – mostly to drink water! (or maybe that was just an excuse). Before Colorado I must find an industrial strength lip balm. In any case, after a seemingly endless uphill, I sighted the bright lights of the exchange point. Yay! 2 down, 1 to go.
During our next break we actually had enough time to shower and sleep for 2 hours. Of course the nap felt like it only lasted 15 minutes!! Jo and I switched back, so she’d be running a 3.1 mile long steep hill and I’d be left with (what turned out to be) a BORING 7.5 mile (“moderate”) trek thru the outskirts of Sparks. What made it worse was that Dean’s leg, right b/4 mine, was also a boring 7.5 miler—and he was really struggling, so we just kept on driving a mile or so ahead of him and waiting for him to offer water and assistance, if he needed it. I felt like I was waiting forever, and I really just wanted to get it over with. It ended up taking him 20 minutes longer to do his leg than it did me (this is per Dean—I wasn’t timing either of us). The elevation was basically flat at 4500 feet.
All in all, I’d do this one again. I had wanted to do this to see how I’d do trying to run at altitude, and it turned out to be pretty much what I had expected. I’m just glad I’ll have lots more time with the Higher Peak machine before heading off to Colorado!
06/06 – 06/07/2008
It was a relay, like any other relay—except with altitude.
The run was Friday - Saturday, so naturally I heard nothing much until Tuesday – typical hasher way of operating :-) I wasn’t too worried, given that I know how to “relay”, but I did want to know where and when to show up. However, the most important behind the scenes work had been done (van rentals, hotel rooms reserved, shirts printed).
I was in Van 2, running leg 11. Most of the van 1 folks went up to Reno on Thursday, so as to be ready for the 0930 start. Van 2 met up at Rebecca’s in Sunnyvale (no, not at Sunnybrook Farm!). We departed at about 10:30 and arrived at the exchange point outside Truckee in plenty of time.
The main difference for me was that the territory was completely unfamiliar. I’ve run pretty much all over the greater bay area in nor cal, but not so much in the Tahoe – Reno area.
The results are not out yet, which is okay – I don’t really need to see my official times.
My first leg was 5.3 miles (“moderate”) at about 7 pm on a paved bike path paralleling both the highway and the Truckee River. It was actually quite a nice run, and the elevation was just under 6500 feet. I didn’t notice the effects of the altitude as much as I expected to, but I did adopt a relatively sedate pace. I felt pretty good at the end, and was pretty satisfied.
As soon as Leah, leg 12, finished we determined we had only about 3.5 hours till it was time for Van 2 to take over again (Van 1 had shorter legs and also some faster runners). We went out to dinner where I had pasta but avoided the wine and beer the others indulged in. This was mostly b/c I had agreed to switch legs on the next segment w/ Joanne. As she was the lead off runner in our van, I knew I would be running again in only a couple of hours, so I had best watch what I had to digest! We headed over to the motel, which was close by. This really turned out to be a waste of time (and money) since we were only there for about 2 hours. Next time we’ll probably just go on to the van exchange and nap in the van—which is what we usually do in The Relay. Anyway, all too soon we were back on the road.
Jo had not had much chance to train, as she’s a consultant and has been spending several weeks commuting from San Jose to Pittsburg, PA. Her legs all were short, but they all involved significant hills and altitude. So we agreed I’d do her leg 19: 4.2 miles (“most difficult”)—climbing out of the Tahoe basin starting at ~6250 feet and ended just shy of 7500. It was pitch black (after I ran by the casinos) and pretty cold—but actually not as cold as my 2nd leg on The Relay. My main complaint was that the cool breeze, altitude and lack of humidity parched my mouth and throat. I had to stop and walk – mostly to drink water! (or maybe that was just an excuse). Before Colorado I must find an industrial strength lip balm. In any case, after a seemingly endless uphill, I sighted the bright lights of the exchange point. Yay! 2 down, 1 to go.
During our next break we actually had enough time to shower and sleep for 2 hours. Of course the nap felt like it only lasted 15 minutes!! Jo and I switched back, so she’d be running a 3.1 mile long steep hill and I’d be left with (what turned out to be) a BORING 7.5 mile (“moderate”) trek thru the outskirts of Sparks. What made it worse was that Dean’s leg, right b/4 mine, was also a boring 7.5 miler—and he was really struggling, so we just kept on driving a mile or so ahead of him and waiting for him to offer water and assistance, if he needed it. I felt like I was waiting forever, and I really just wanted to get it over with. It ended up taking him 20 minutes longer to do his leg than it did me (this is per Dean—I wasn’t timing either of us). The elevation was basically flat at 4500 feet.
All in all, I’d do this one again. I had wanted to do this to see how I’d do trying to run at altitude, and it turned out to be pretty much what I had expected. I’m just glad I’ll have lots more time with the Higher Peak machine before heading off to Colorado!
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