Friday, March 28, 2008

End of Quarter!!! (1/4) 3/28/08

TGIF!! When you work in "Sillycone" Valley ;-) and you work for a publicly traded company your life usually is modulated by the quarterly reporting cycle. So Q1 2008 has been quite the challenge--as much of my sales activity occurred the last 3 weeks of March!

However, I'm happy to say that work did not keep me from my regular gym workouts the past 2 weeks. Next week I will be able to segue into running after work on trails (instead of treadmill in the gym at O dark O'clock weekday mornings) as I move toward the interim goal of successfully completing leg 7 of The Relay. Yay! After that, it will be crank up the mileage! I have also signed up to do a relay in June that runs in the Lake Tahoe area -- at altitude, as a primer for Colorado. Guess I'd better order up that hypoxia machine soon.

This week's stats: 3.5 mi. pavement run; Elliptical "13" mi; treadmill 8.5 mi. Plus some stairmaster time, abdominal and light weight workouts. Baby steps!

The Rabbi has been plagued with some minor physical complaints this week, so he has some catching up to do. I plan to drag him out on a run Saturday.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Kid's birthday

It wasn't 20, but actually 36 years ago today :-) that my daughter was born. She missed St. Patrick's day by a only a couple of hours, but still, it has always been easy to remember the date!! Last February she moved 3000 miles away, so this is the 2nd time we have not been together on this special occasion. We hope to organize a real visit soon. Meanwhile, I "celebrated" by doing my normal Tuesday routine (ha ha). We did visit briefly on the phone this morning-and of course I sent gifts.

While I am not yet into full training mode for the Transrockies (TR), I am (at least) working out on a consistent basis. In trying to come back from a slight hamstring pull and prepare for the (13th annual) Calistoga-to-Santa Cruz (CA) relay ( (April 19-20) I've been diligent in increasing my time and intensity level on the elliptical trainer (ugh), have added some stairmaster (double ugh), and some short runs on the treadmill (and even a few outdoors on the weekends). So far (fingers crossed) things seem okay. The "real" TR training begins after recovery from The Relay--which will make May-August a truly memorable time. I'm hoping the TR folks beef up their website and forum to help us less competitive types keep motivated over the next few months.

The Rabbi has a very physical job which burns lots of calories (mine is sedentary) but does not provide the specific training benefits needed for the TR. He's having a bit more trouble getting motivated to run regularly--and he's not looking forward to the upcoming (very) long long runs this summer. Good thing I'm at least getting him started now.

I will try to post some of the training log--but I won't be posting my weight or my calorie intake! Training for an event like this is entirely new to me so it will be interesting to see how it goes. Wish us the best! More soon....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

First Post!

I expect this blog to be about running (and possibly hashing). In a fit of winter doldrums (Feb. 2), I signed David ("the Rabbi") and I up for the 2nd annual Gore-Tex(tm) Transrockies Adventure Run in Colorado ( This is set for August 25-30, 2008. 6 days running at altitude, ~ 20 miles per day. If successful, I will have skipped right from running trail 1/2 marathons (and its been a while for that, even!) to a land that looks a lot like ultras. David has run some marathons, but its been a while for him too!) Very intelligent, no?

So far, few other registered runners have set up blogs--I'm hoping some will so that we can share the fun as we train for this. The field is limited to 150 teams (each team has 2 runners), so it is hoped there will be 298 others out there on trail with us. Can you say "vacation"?

I will be posting about training, pain, training, other running experiences and what-have-you for the next few months.
Thanks for reading!